The first of the department stores that I visited on Sunday was Macy's, which I arrived at just at dusk. I joined the crowds who were also there to see the show - and a show it was! Instead of just having scenes, or even moving scenes, the windows literally told a story. Each window started covered, and then the covering would open, and a voice over would narrate the story as the figures moved and the scenes unfolded. It was pretty awesome, and the story was pretty sweet. It was called "Yes, Virginia," and I'll paraphrase it for this post.
The first of the screens over the images was the stained glass on Virginia's roof.

The story started in Virginia's house. She a friend were talking about Santa.
Meanwhile, her father and mother are at the table, her father reading in The Sun, eliciting the comment that if it's written in the Sun, it must be true,

The next day, Virginia and her friends are outside playing when one of the older girls comes up to them and tells them the horrid truth: there is no Santa Claus!

Virginia doesn't believe it, so she and her friend go to the library to learn more about Santa.

The librarian who helps them learn about Santa legends from all over the world moves so fast that I couldn't get a picture where she wasn't blurry!

Yay, librarians! :)
Virginia returns home to ask her dad about Santa. He tells her that Santa is the kindness and goodness in everyone.

Virginia has the idea of writing to the editor of the Sun, because if it's printed in the Sun, it must true!

The next day, Virginia encounters a poor local man who spends the holidays dressed as Santa, only to discover that he is without a coat and is very cold. This is because he gave the coat to a poor, shivering mother (the picture of whom turned out terrible). Virginia thinks of what her dad said about Santa, and decides to spend her savings to get the man a new coat.

Meanwhile, the editor of the Sun ponders what to write to this little girl.

In the end, of course, the editor responds on the front page.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
Anyway, it was a rather sweet story, the kids around seemed to really love it, and if you'd like a less paraphrased version, you should check it out when the made-for-TV version airs in a week and a half. Alternatively, read about the original story, which took place in 1897 - the Wiki page has a reproduction of the original response from the newspaper. Read it - the full article is really nice.
Tomorrow (again, probably): Lord and Taylor's windows.
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